FAQ: Troubleshooting MicroBase Pro Messaging




1. I Accidentally Deleted An Important Incoming Message. How Can I Get It Back?

If you have accidentally deleted a message, you might be able to retrieve it with the help of DSS Support. Deleted messages are retained on the DSS server for a limited period of time, so you should start the process as soon as possible after deletion occurs.

Solution: Follow the steps outlined below to restore deleted message(s):

  • Contact DSS Support, and request to have a deleted MicroBase Message restored.
  • Provide the date or date range that the message(s) were received.
  • Provide the MicroBase Network Username of the Recipient.
  • DSS Support will attempt to locate and restore the deleted message.
  • Once DSS confirms that the message(s) have been restored:
    • Start MicroBase Pro.
    • Open your Inbox.
    • Click Rebuild Inbox (this may take several minutes).
  • The restored message(s) should now be visible in your InBox.


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