FAQ: MicroBase Professional Warnings And Error Messages |
1. MicroBase Pro Reports: "You do not appear to have appropriate permission to run MicroBase..." When MicroBase Pro v2.1x (and earlier) starts, you may see the following error message: You do not appear to have appropriate permission to run MicroBase. In order to run this program, users must have full read/write access to the MicroBase home folder. Log in with a different user name or contact your system administrator. This error message occurs upon MicroBase Pro startup if the mbsys.ini file cannot be opened with read/write access. This can be caused by a corrupted installation or incorrect permissions settings in your Windows installation. Suggested steps:
2. MicroBase Pro Reports: "The license for this test version expired <xxx> days ago" You may see the following error message: The license for this test version expired <xxx> days ago. Contact DSS for an updated version. MicroBase Pro "beta" or test versions only operate for a finite amount of time before they "expire". This error message occurs when an experimental or test version of MicroBase Pro has reached the end of it's useful life and it stops functioning. |
3. MicroBase Pro Reports: "Your MicroVib II is <xxx> days out of Calibration..." You may see the following error message: Your MicroVib II is <xxx> days out of calibration. DSS recommends making arrangements for re-calibration soon in order to avoid any future disruption of service. This error message occurs when MicroBase Pro disconnects from a MicroVib II which is out of calibration. The MicroVib II kit should be returned to an authorized DSS Calibration facility. |
4. MicroBase Pro Reports: "Please make sure that the authorization
information..." If you see the following warning message: Please make sure that the authorization information you have entered matches that provided by DSS exactly. Check your spelling, and punctuation carefully. License Owner, Facility and Authorization key must match those provided. Note that letter case is unimportant... See MicroBase Pro Authorization Issues for more information. |
5. MicroBase Pro Reports: "The entered
authorization key has expired..." If you see the following warning message: The entered authorization key has expired. If you do not have a valid authorization key, see our online FAQ page for information about ordering a replacement license. See the MicroBase Pro licensing FAQ for more information. |
6. MicroBase Pro Reports: "The entered
authorization key has been terminated..." If you see the following warning message: The entered authorization key has been terminated. If your license was revised (change of company name for example), check to make sure you have entered the most recent authorization information. There are several reasons that your MicroBase Pro authorization keys might have been terminated. If a new key has been issued (change of company name or new owner), then the old key will be terminated. MicroBase Pro authorization keys can also be terminated due to violating the terms of the license agreement. See the MicroBase Pro licensing FAQ for more information. |
7. MicroBase Pro Installer Reports: "Users Is Not A Valid User Or Group..."? See MicroBase Pro Installation Issues for more information. |
8. MicroBase Pro Reports: "Invalid
Recipient Name (Messagebox Not Found)..." When you attempt to send a MicroBase Message and see the following warning message: Post Message Warning This warning message indicates that there is no message box found on the server for the recipient's network name. This will occur when if you have misspelled the recipient's network name, or if the recipient has not yet created their message box. When a new MicroBase Network name is issued, the corresponding message box is not created until the first time that user checks their inbox for new messages. If the intended recipient does not have a message box, ask them to check their inbox and then you can resend the message. See the MicroBase Pro licensing FAQ for more information. |
9. MicroBase Pro Updater Program Reports: "Error: Invalid
Command Line" See MicroBase Pro Installation Issues for more information. |
10. MicroBase Pro Reports: "Screen Size
... is below MicroBase Pro Minimum Requirements" If you see the following Warning message upon startup: Display Size WarningYour PC's display resolution is below the minimum required for proper MicroBase Pro operation. Check your Screen Resolution and Scale Factor. If your Screen Resolution is adequate, you may need to reduce your Scale Factor to provide more display "real estate" for MicroBase Pro to work with. |
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